Saturday, September 22, 2007

Offensive Idiotic Leadership

I want to deal with the issue of fighting for Offensive Idiotic Leadership in Iraq and why we will never win. When I talk about true freedom, I am talking about Energy Independence not fighting for OIL which is really fighting for BONDAGE. Now some of you might get into bondage (S&M, OIL loving, WARmonging, Stupid Utility Vehicles (the BUSHmoblie); I DON'T. I like FREEDOM! It is time we got our heads out of our tailpipes before it's too late.

We import over 12 million barrels of OIL a day. Let's do the math: 12,000,000 barrels * $65/barrel = $780,000,000/day into foreign pockets. I heard last night on the news that a barrel of OIL went to and all time high at $80/barrel. You do the math.

The BUSHwhacker probably has spent up to a Trillion dollars or more on this worthless war in Iraq for OIL. Does he not understand basic Economics 101?

What if we had taken that money and spent it on Ethanol, Bio-diesel, Solar, Propellar and hydro-electric plants all over America and we had gotten off of OIL by let's say 25% or more.
Let's do the math: $780,000,000 * .25 = $195,000,000 savings per day. Money in America's pockets. Wouldn't that be a step in the right direction?

But you say, what will happen when the terrorists take over the OIL fields and I say, Nothing. They will NEVER take over the OIL fields. Saudia Arabia, Iran and the other Arab nations are NOT going to allow that. They want the OIL and are fighting for it now just like we are.

This is the main reason, we need to get out of Iraq and let the chips fall where they
will fall and as they are fighting themselves let's get off of Offensive Idiotic Leadership. We cannot keep spending money on BONDAGE. We must start spending these Billions on ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES or we are DOOMED to FAILURE.

Now the issue of why we will never win the war in Iraq. It is an immoral, unrighteous and unBiblical war and GOD is NOT going to bless us. It is against His will and Prophetic Scriptures. No one has ever conquered the Middle East. Not even the Roman Empire and as Israel will stand; so won't the Arab nations stand. It has been so since Abraham's two sons: Issac and Ishmael (Genesis Chapters 15 - 17). There will never be a Democracy or real peace in the Middle East. Remember people, we envaded Iraq. They did NOT attack us. We attacked them.

Now the question comes down to this, did the BUSHwhacker LIE or just made a MISTAKE? Here lies the answer to why I call this Iraq war immoral and unrighteous. He LIED. The BUSHwhacker suppressed the TRUTH in UNRIGHTEOUSNESS (Romans 1:18).
I believe that he knew that Saddam had NO WMD's and propagandized America and the free world. It was believable that Saddam had WMD's. He was an extremely wicked man but the truth is he didn't have any WMD's. Well you say, The BUSHwhacker went on the knowledge that was given him. BUSHshit! He made it up. The truth was there. Hans Blitz was telling the TRUTH. There were NO smoking guns. Other people were telling the TRUTH. The Downey Street letter tells the truth in the fact that the war was eminent. Powell LIED to the UN.

This is why Scudder Libby, Karl Rove, Rummyhead, Tricky Dicky Chaney, Powell and yes, the BUSHwhacker himself and the rest of his corrupt regime should be in JAIL.

They need to be brought to JUSTICE.

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