BUSHwhacker's Proaganda Statement: Fight them over there or fight them over here.
If we have Homeland Security then why are we worried about fighting them over here?
What are they going to do hop in their B1 and B2 bombers or may get on their battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines. I know they are going to hop in their rubber rafts and pattle all the way over here and bomb us off our shores. Maybe they might swim over here and use their WMD's on us.
See how stupid the BUSH whacked out Propagandists sound.
Here's what the Anti-Christ would say: "Peace thru War".
Order the "W stands for Worst" T-shirt today for the reduced price of $5.75.
Steve's T's
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Bush 9/11
Now the last question is this: Did the BUSHwhacker allow 9/11 to happen? Remember people we have the AWAX 70,000 feet right above them. The BUSHwhacker knew somethng was going on thru the Cell Phone chatter.
Yes, that's right. We can listen in. I believe the BUSHwhacker knows where Osama is. Michael Moore is right in his movie Fahrenheit/911. He states that the BUSHwhackers made a pact with the Bin Lootens and because of our OIL addiction we can't go after Osama. Saudia Arabia will cut back or stop their OIL shipments to us.
Why was he down in Florida reading to elementary students instead of being our Commander in Chief? If We the People can prove that he knew that 9/11 was going to happen and he allowed it then we can try him for TREASON. Why did he want Hans Blitz out of Iraq so soon? Was he blood thirsty for Saddam's blood? Revenge? Why couldn't we (America) wait another 6 months to see if Saddam had WMD's?
The BUSHwhacker's Iraq Conspiracy is bigger than the Clinton's "White Water Conspiracy".
It's time to impeach President Adolf W Bush. May GOD judge him for every drop of blood shed in this Iraq War.
Psalm 55:23 - "Men of bloodshed and deceit will not live out half their days."
Don't just take my word for it, read this insiteful article by Tim McGettigan:
W Stands for “War is the Answer”: An Apology
You can checkout the Articles of Impeachment by Ramsey Clark here: Articles of Impeachment
Yes, that's right. We can listen in. I believe the BUSHwhacker knows where Osama is. Michael Moore is right in his movie Fahrenheit/911. He states that the BUSHwhackers made a pact with the Bin Lootens and because of our OIL addiction we can't go after Osama. Saudia Arabia will cut back or stop their OIL shipments to us.
Why was he down in Florida reading to elementary students instead of being our Commander in Chief? If We the People can prove that he knew that 9/11 was going to happen and he allowed it then we can try him for TREASON. Why did he want Hans Blitz out of Iraq so soon? Was he blood thirsty for Saddam's blood? Revenge? Why couldn't we (America) wait another 6 months to see if Saddam had WMD's?
The BUSHwhacker's Iraq Conspiracy is bigger than the Clinton's "White Water Conspiracy".
It's time to impeach President Adolf W Bush. May GOD judge him for every drop of blood shed in this Iraq War.
Psalm 55:23 - "Men of bloodshed and deceit will not live out half their days."
Don't just take my word for it, read this insiteful article by Tim McGettigan:
W Stands for “War is the Answer”: An Apology
You can checkout the Articles of Impeachment by Ramsey Clark here: Articles of Impeachment
Boycott FOXNews and Hate Talk Radio shows
Boycott FOXNews (the BUSHwhacker's Propaganda station).
Do you know when I first started questioning the BUSHwhacker's Propaganda; when I heard on FOXNews that this evil wicked dictator Saddam wasn't going to use his WMD's. Then I said; Are you kidding me? BushShit! If he had WMD's that Bastard would have used them.
Then I heard that France, Germany and Russia had sold WMD's to Saddam. Again I said, BushShit!
Then I saw that the BUSHwhacker was foaming at the mouth to get Hans Blitz out of Iraq and I said to myself, the war in Iraq is eminent. Do you know what really convinced me that the BUSHwhacker knew Saddam didn't have any WMD's, was when he started using America's WMD's and was bombing all over Iraq. That's right I said America's WMD's. Remember MOAB (Mother of All Bombs). If Saddam had all of these WMD's, why did the
BUSHwhacker start bombing all over Iraq? Wouldn't he be woried that he would hit one of these depots of WMD's and release the poisons (Anthax) into the air and kill everybody? If the BUSHwhacker didn't inherit a surplus, where did he get all of this money to buy all of the weapons(WMD's)?
Boycott the other Axis of Evil (Hate Talk Radio Shows): Rush Limblob, Shenanigans Hanity, Shepard Smith and Niel "Mr. Irrelevant" Smortzy Bortzy and all other BUSHwhacker Propagandists.
Do you know when I first started questioning the BUSHwhacker's Propaganda; when I heard on FOXNews that this evil wicked dictator Saddam wasn't going to use his WMD's. Then I said; Are you kidding me? BushShit! If he had WMD's that Bastard would have used them.
Then I heard that France, Germany and Russia had sold WMD's to Saddam. Again I said, BushShit!
Then I saw that the BUSHwhacker was foaming at the mouth to get Hans Blitz out of Iraq and I said to myself, the war in Iraq is eminent. Do you know what really convinced me that the BUSHwhacker knew Saddam didn't have any WMD's, was when he started using America's WMD's and was bombing all over Iraq. That's right I said America's WMD's. Remember MOAB (Mother of All Bombs). If Saddam had all of these WMD's, why did the
BUSHwhacker start bombing all over Iraq? Wouldn't he be woried that he would hit one of these depots of WMD's and release the poisons (Anthax) into the air and kill everybody? If the BUSHwhacker didn't inherit a surplus, where did he get all of this money to buy all of the weapons(WMD's)?
Boycott the other Axis of Evil (Hate Talk Radio Shows): Rush Limblob, Shenanigans Hanity, Shepard Smith and Niel "Mr. Irrelevant" Smortzy Bortzy and all other BUSHwhacker Propagandists.
Offensive Idiotic Leadership
I want to deal with the issue of fighting for Offensive Idiotic Leadership in Iraq and why we will never win. When I talk about true freedom, I am talking about Energy Independence not fighting for OIL which is really fighting for BONDAGE. Now some of you might get into bondage (S&M, OIL loving, WARmonging, Stupid Utility Vehicles (the BUSHmoblie); I DON'T. I like FREEDOM! It is time we got our heads out of our tailpipes before it's too late.
We import over 12 million barrels of OIL a day. Let's do the math: 12,000,000 barrels * $65/barrel = $780,000,000/day into foreign pockets. I heard last night on the news that a barrel of OIL went to and all time high at $80/barrel. You do the math.
The BUSHwhacker probably has spent up to a Trillion dollars or more on this worthless war in Iraq for OIL. Does he not understand basic Economics 101?
What if we had taken that money and spent it on Ethanol, Bio-diesel, Solar, Propellar and hydro-electric plants all over America and we had gotten off of OIL by let's say 25% or more.
Let's do the math: $780,000,000 * .25 = $195,000,000 savings per day. Money in America's pockets. Wouldn't that be a step in the right direction?
But you say, what will happen when the terrorists take over the OIL fields and I say, Nothing. They will NEVER take over the OIL fields. Saudia Arabia, Iran and the other Arab nations are NOT going to allow that. They want the OIL and are fighting for it now just like we are.
This is the main reason, we need to get out of Iraq and let the chips fall where they
will fall and as they are fighting themselves let's get off of Offensive Idiotic Leadership. We cannot keep spending money on BONDAGE. We must start spending these Billions on ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES or we are DOOMED to FAILURE.
Now the issue of why we will never win the war in Iraq. It is an immoral, unrighteous and unBiblical war and GOD is NOT going to bless us. It is against His will and Prophetic Scriptures. No one has ever conquered the Middle East. Not even the Roman Empire and as Israel will stand; so won't the Arab nations stand. It has been so since Abraham's two sons: Issac and Ishmael (Genesis Chapters 15 - 17). There will never be a Democracy or real peace in the Middle East. Remember people, we envaded Iraq. They did NOT attack us. We attacked them.
Now the question comes down to this, did the BUSHwhacker LIE or just made a MISTAKE? Here lies the answer to why I call this Iraq war immoral and unrighteous. He LIED. The BUSHwhacker suppressed the TRUTH in UNRIGHTEOUSNESS (Romans 1:18).
I believe that he knew that Saddam had NO WMD's and propagandized America and the free world. It was believable that Saddam had WMD's. He was an extremely wicked man but the truth is he didn't have any WMD's. Well you say, The BUSHwhacker went on the knowledge that was given him. BUSHshit! He made it up. The truth was there. Hans Blitz was telling the TRUTH. There were NO smoking guns. Other people were telling the TRUTH. The Downey Street letter tells the truth in the fact that the war was eminent. Powell LIED to the UN.
This is why Scudder Libby, Karl Rove, Rummyhead, Tricky Dicky Chaney, Powell and yes, the BUSHwhacker himself and the rest of his corrupt regime should be in JAIL.
They need to be brought to JUSTICE.
BUSHwhacker's New Bible
Matthew 5:9 - "Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called sons of GOD".
Bush 5:9 - "Blessed are the WARMONGERS, for they shall be called sons of OIL Barons".
Psalm 55:21 - "His speech was smoother than butter, but his heart was War; His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords."
"W stands for WAR"
Order my Anti-War "It's Not About Patriotism" T-shirt today for $5.75. This T-shirt is going out of print.
Bush 5:9 - "Blessed are the WARMONGERS, for they shall be called sons of OIL Barons".
Psalm 55:21 - "His speech was smoother than butter, but his heart was War; His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords."
"W stands for WAR"
Order my Anti-War "It's Not About Patriotism" T-shirt today for $5.75. This T-shirt is going out of print.
BUSHwhacker's Economics 101
Last week on the news, they said that the number of home foreclosures was at an all time high. Well let me tell you that under the BUSHwhackers's Economic Plan 101, we have seen the highest ever bankruptcies, repossesions and foreclosures and yet the BUSHwhacker wants to give the rich more tax breaks.
Now this week, it is Greenspan that's wrong but the BUSHwhacker who doesn't understand anything about Biblical Economics is right. Give me a break. I agree with Greenspan our greatest Federal Reserve Chairman ever except for removing Saddum. We must remember that Saddum was the glue that kept Iraq together. Removing Saddum is causing the problems we are in right now in Iraq. America prospered under Clinton thanks mostly to Al Core who opened up the Internet to the public. Al Gore for President in 2008. America is being decimated under the BUSHwhacker's Economic Plan for American Property.
Now this week, it is Greenspan that's wrong but the BUSHwhacker who doesn't understand anything about Biblical Economics is right. Give me a break. I agree with Greenspan our greatest Federal Reserve Chairman ever except for removing Saddum. We must remember that Saddum was the glue that kept Iraq together. Removing Saddum is causing the problems we are in right now in Iraq. America prospered under Clinton thanks mostly to Al Core who opened up the Internet to the public. Al Gore for President in 2008. America is being decimated under the BUSHwhacker's Economic Plan for American Property.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Winners and Losers
Winners let their attitude determine their success.
Losers let their success determine their attitude.
Going great = great attitude
Doing poorly = miserable attitude
It's easy to have a great attitude when you're winning.
The test comes when the chips are down...when you've been "smacked".
Everyone goes through this...everyone.
So, when you're on top...ride the wave!
Losers let their success determine their attitude.
Going great = great attitude
Doing poorly = miserable attitude
It's easy to have a great attitude when you're winning.
The test comes when the chips are down...when you've been "smacked".
Everyone goes through this...everyone.
So, when you're on top...ride the wave!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
What we need today are cars that can run on Electric/FFV or 160 proof (80%) Alcohol which is easier to make than Ethanol.
View Fexible Fuel Vehicles
According to the NEVC Newsletter on 1/11/2007 by Justin Hyde, GM's electric-car concept, the Chevrolet Volt, was designed with a backup engine that can run either gasoline or E85.
Same article, The U.S. ethanol industry produced 5 billion gallons of the fuel last year, most of which were mixed into regular gasoline. Is OPEC starting to feel
the pinch. HOPEFULLY! This is another reason to end the Iraq War. This is TRUE PATRIOTISM.
According to American Coalition for Ethanol, Ethanol drives economic development, adds value to agriculture, and moves our nation
toward energy independence. It cleans America's air and offers consumers a cost-effective choice at the pump.
This year the U.S. ethanol industry will grow to provide more than 6 billion gallons of clean burning fuel for our country's supply.
Please use this site to learn more about ethanol and its many benefits.
Please consider subscribing to the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition to learn how you can contribute to America's Energy Independence and True Freedom
Checkout this very informative video on E85 from Jay's Garage
OIL = Offensive Idiotic Leadership
Checkout this article on OIL
Order your Anti-OIL T-shirt today for only $5.75.
I am a Small Alcohol (Ethanol) Fuel Producer now and would like to open up a Large Ethanol Plant in the near future.
Offensive Idiotic Leadership
Bush's New Testment
Matthew 5:9 - "Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called sons of GOD". Bush 5:9 - "Blessed are the WARMONGERS, for they shall be called sons of OIL Barons". Now the militant religious right wing extremists (BUSHwhackers) have rewritten the New Testament. Instead of all the books that were there, now there is only one book. The book of BUSH. This makes it easier for liberals to find the newly revised translated verses and help them understand the ways of the BUSH and in case any of you left wing extremists can't read, our fiscal conservatives offer a CD in English and you can get a copy of the CD in Espanol thru US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as you cross the border, if he remembers to bring them with him as he greets you otherwise you will have to learn English and get the English version ( El Comprehendo! ). Psalm 55:21 - "His speech was smoother than butter, but his heart was War; His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords." "W stands for WAR" Order my Anti-BUSH "W stands for WORST" T-shirt today for $5.75. |
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
America's Healthcare
Well the BUSHwhacker got his taxpayer paid excellent Government Healthcare, but he doesn't want you to get the same deal. What a nice guy, huh!
What a HYPOCRITE! Isn't it strange that the BUSHwhacker doesn't mind government controlled education but he does when it comes to Government sponsored Healthcare.
I quess the lobbyists don't get paid for that. We have Government controlled Hospitals now. Ask yourself this question, How is it that the BUSHwhackers opposes
Michael Moore's SICKO movie which suggests some Government sponsored Healthcare should supplement private Healthcare when 38 million American's don't have affordable Healthcare?
Get your "W stands for WORST" T-shirt today at Steve's T's.
What a HYPOCRITE! Isn't it strange that the BUSHwhacker doesn't mind government controlled education but he does when it comes to Government sponsored Healthcare.
I quess the lobbyists don't get paid for that. We have Government controlled Hospitals now. Ask yourself this question, How is it that the BUSHwhackers opposes
Michael Moore's SICKO movie which suggests some Government sponsored Healthcare should supplement private Healthcare when 38 million American's don't have affordable Healthcare?
Get your "W stands for WORST" T-shirt today at Steve's T's.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Chavez and Citgo OIL
Chavez's government has begun exploring the sale of parts of Citgo, the Venezuela-owned retailer in the United States. Here we go again, the BUSHwhacker has pissed off yet another OIL producing country Venezuela Yet another reason to get off of OIL and onto Ethanol.
OIL = Offensive Idiotic Leadership Order your Anti-OIL T-shirt today for only $5.75 at Steve's T's
OIL = Offensive Idiotic Leadership Order your Anti-OIL T-shirt today for only $5.75 at Steve's T's
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- Steve's T's
- We sell Anti- Bush/War/OIL T-shirts at Steve's T's and other stuff at VDO